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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hypothyroidism or Multiple Scerosis?

For a few days now I've been feeling a sense of tingling and numbness all over my face and rest of my body with a couple of episodes of vertigo thrown in and once in a way Severe migraine like headache in the forehead which would not go away for about 3 days! I myself being medically qualified (MB,BS graduate)on further investigation the symptoms led me to suspect that these could be the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. I was devastated! But I nevertheless went to a good ENT Surgeon and told him about my complaint and also about my major snoring and sleep apnoea problem. He put the two and two together and asked me to undergo a sleep study. The study will measure he oxygen saturation of the body which should be about 98%. Mine was 91%. This will lead to fatigue of the brain and therefore the next-day-lethargy. He also has asked me to test my thyroid hormone levels (right now only TSH), my Blood Sugar levels and an ECG. The results are due tomorrow. If the culprit is Hypothyroidism (I'm hoping it would be!)then it will explain all my symptoms like Weight Gain, Dry Skin, Dry Hair, Loss of Hair, Puffiness of the Face, The tingling sensations, the vertigo and the lethargy. I am going for the results tomorrow. If it is Hypothyroidism induce obesity induced sleep apnoea, then I think I'll have to go in for a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. This will do two things. It will make me stop snoring and it will make my wife a happy person!The next step will be to tackle Hypothyroidism. Also there is an option of a pharyngeal surgery. Hope It is just that and not Multiple Sclerosis.

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