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Monday, November 8, 2010

Hypothyroidism or Multiple Sclerosis - Part 4

So now i go to the endocrinologist. There's only one in town. So after 3 days of chasing him, I finally got an appointment. After seeing all the reports he told me to take another test That is Anti Thyroid Antibodies (Anti Thyroid Perdoxidase) test. The result came in 1.5 hr time and I had a reading of 90 I.U. whereas the upper limit was 36. The Endo felt that it was only moderate increase and yet he said that he'll give me the benefit of doubt and started me on a thyroxine tab regimen 50microgram per day once. Today is the fifth day and already my vertigo has vanished and my skin has lost its dry scaly appearance!Hopefully my fat will also go away albeit slowly. Now It looks like I'm on the right track. Also no headaches so far. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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